Leader-member exchange (LMX) 11 Items

I like my supervisor very much as a person.
My supervisor is the kind of person one would like to have as a friend.
My supervisor is a lot of fun to work with.
My supervisor defends my work actions to a superior‚ even without complete knowledge of the issue in question.
My supcrvi.sor would come to my defense if I were “attacked” by others.
My supervisor would defend me to others in the organization if I made an honest mistake.
I do work for my supervisor that goes beyond what is specified in my job description.
I am willing to apply extra efforts‚ beyond those normally required‚ to further the interests of my work group.
Professional Respect
I am impressed with my supervisor’s knowledge of his/her job.
I respect my supervisor’s knowledge of and competence on the job.
I admire my supervisor’s professional skills.
Robett C. Liden‚ R. C.‚ & Maslyn‚ J.  M. (1998). Multidimensionality of Leader-Member Exchange: An Empirical Assessment through Scale Development‚ Journal of  Management. Vol. 2 4‚ No. 1‚ pp. 43-72.
1. I am impressed with his/her knowledge of his/her job.
2. She/he is willing to apply extra efforts beyond those normally required in order to meet my work goals.
3. I admire his/her professional skills.
4. She/he does work for me that goes beyond what is specified in the job descriptions.
5. She/he is a lot of fun to work with.
6. I respect his/her knowledge of and competence on the job.
7. She/he does not mind working the hardest for me.
8. She/he is the kind of person one would like to have as a friend.
9. I like him/her very much as a person.
10. I would go to his/her defense if he/she were “attacked” by others.
11. I would defend him/her to others in the organization if he/she makes an honest mistake.
12. I defend his/her work and actions to a superior even without complete knowledge of the issue.