Tennessee Self Concept Scale TSCS

The Tennessee Self Concept Scale (TSCS)

The Tennessee Self-Concept Scale (TSCS) is a self-report, multidimensional measure of self-concept. It was developed by William H. Fitts in 1965 and has been revised several times, most recently in 1996. The TSCS-2 is the current version of the scale and is available in both child and adult forms.

The TSCS-2 consists of 100 items that assess 15 different dimensions of self-concept, including:

  • Physical self-concept
  • Social self-concept
  • Emotional self-concept
  • Academic self-concept
  • Family self-concept
  • Moral-ethical self-concept
  • Religious self-concept
  • Personal self-concept
  • Vocational self-concept
  • Interpersonal self-concept
  • General self-concept

The items on the TSCS-2 are rated on a 5-point Likert scale, ranging from 1 (completely false) to 5 (completely true). The scale takes approximately 10-20 minutes to complete.

The TSCS-2 has been shown to be a reliable and valid measure of self-concept. It has been used in a wide variety of research studies, including studies of personality development, mental health, and academic achievement.

The TSCS-2 is a valuable tool for assessing self-concept in children, adolescents, and adults. It can be used to identify individuals with low self-concept, to track changes in self-concept over time, and to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions designed to improve self-concept.

Use of the TSCS-2

The TSCS-2 can be used in a variety of settings, including:

  • Clinical settings: The TSCS-2 can be used to assess self-concept in individuals who are seeking mental health treatment.
  • Educational settings: The TSCS-2 can be used to assess self-concept in students and to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions designed to improve self-concept.
  • Research settings: The TSCS-2 can be used in research studies to examine the relationship between self-concept and other variables, such as personality, mental health, and academic achievement.

Interpreting the TSCS-2

The TSCS-2 provides scores for each of the 15 dimensions of self-concept. These scores can be used to identify areas of strength and weakness in self-concept. The scores can also be used to track changes in self-concept over time.

The TSCS-2 manual provides norms for the child and adult forms of the scale. These norms can be used to compare an individual’s scores to those of other individuals in the same age group.

Limitations of the TSCS-2

The TSCS-2 is a valuable tool for assessing self-concept, but it has some limitations. These limitations include:

  • The TSCS-2 is a self-report measure, which means that it is subject to bias.
  • The TSCS-2 does not assess all aspects of self-concept.
  • The TSCS-2 is not a diagnostic tool.


The Tennessee Self-Concept Scale (TSCS) is a valuable tool for assessing self-concept in children, adolescents, and adults. It is a reliable and valid measure that can be used in a variety of settings. The TSCS-2 can be used to identify individuals with low self-concept, to track changes in self-concept over time, and to evaluate the effectiveness of interventions designed to improve self-concept.

The Tennessee Self-Concept Scale (TSCS)

  • 1=always false‚
  • 2=mostly false‚
  • 3=partly‚ false and partly true‚
  • 4=mostly true‚ and
  • 5= always true
1 I have a healthy body
2 I like to appear neat and attractive
3 I am an attractive person
4 I am full of pain and suffering.
5 I am an untidy person.
6 I am not a healthy person.
7 I am not too fat and not too thin.
8 I am not too tall nor too short.
9 I like the way I am now.
10 I don’t feel as healthy as I should be.
11 I wish to change a few parts of my body.
12 I should have more sex appeal.
13 I take good care of my physical self.
14 I feel happy most of the time.
15 I am very careful about my self appearance.
16 I am not good in games and sport.
17 I often behave like a know-all person.
18 I have trouble sleeping.
19 I am a well-mannered person.
20 I am a pious person.
21 I am an honest person.
22 I don’t have a good moral.
23 I am a bad person.
24 I am a weak-will person.
25 I am very satisfied with my manners and behaviors.
26 I am as pious as I wish to be.
27 I am satisfied about my relationship with God.
28 I feel that I am not very trusted.
29 I rarely go to the mosque or place of worship.
30 I tell lies often.
31 Religion is my guide in everyday life.
32 I do what is right most of the time.
33 I will work on changing when I realize that I have made a mistake.
34 Sometimes I use unfair ways to move forward.
 35 Sometimes I do bad things.
36 I have problems doing the right thing.
37 I am a cheerful person.
38 I have a high self-control.
39 I am a calm person and easy to befriended.
40 I am hated.
41 I am not important.
42 I can no longer think straight.
43 I am satisfied with myself now.
44 I am as intelligent as I wish to be.
45 I am a good person.
46 I am not the person I hope to become.
47 I hate myself.
48 I am someone who gives up easily.
49 In any situation‚ I can take care of myself.
50 I can solve my problems easily.
51 I am willing to admit my mistake without feeling angry.
52 I often change my mind.
53 I often act without thinking first.
54 I try to escape from facing problem.
55 I have a family that are always ready to help when I am in trouble.
56 I am important to my family and my friends.
57 I am from a happy family.
58 I am not loved by my family.
59 My friends are not confident of me.
60 I think my family do not put their trust in me.
61 I am satisfied with the relationships in my family.
62 I have treated my parents as I should have treated them.
63 I understand my family adequately.
64 I am very sensitive about what my family says.
65 I must increase my faith towards my family.
66 I should have loved my family more than I love others.
67 I try to be fair towards my family and friends.
68 I make sure that I do my part in the house.
69 I give full attention towards my family.
70 I often quarrel with my family.
71 I always give in to both my parents.
72 I do not act wisely as perceived by my family.
73 I am a friendly person.
74 I am more popular among females.
75 I am more popular among males.
76 I feel angry towards everybody.
77 I am not interested in what others are doing.
78 I find it difficult to develop closeness with others.
79 I can socialize in ways that I want.
80 I am satisfied with the way I treat other people.
81 I make an effort to win people’s heart‚ but I don’t overdo it.
82 I should have more manners with other people.
83 I am not good in socializing.
84 I am not satisfied with the way I mix with other people.
85 I try to understand other people’s view.
86 I have good regards towards everybody that I met.
87 I can be friend with everybody.
88 I don’t find it hard to talk with other people.
89 It is difficult for me to forgive other people.
90 I feel difficult to talk with somebody that I do not know.
91 I do not always speak the truth.
92 Sometimes I think of bad things to say.
93 I sometimes get angry.
94 Sometimes I become angry when I don’t feel well.
95 I don’t like everybody that I know.
96 Sometimes I do badmouth other people.
97 Sometimes I am entertained by obscene jokes.
98 Sometimes I feel like cursing.
99 I prefer to win rather than lose in a game.
100 Sometimes I will postpone works that I should be doing.

European Journal of Social Sciences – Volume 10‚ Number 3 (2009)
