Social skills rating system (SSRS) – Children‚ Teacher and Parent version

Social Skills Rating System (SSRS)

The Social Skills Rating System (SSRS) is a multi-rater assessment tool used to measure social skills in children and adolescents. The SSRS was developed by Gresham and Elliott (1990) and is one of the most widely used measures of social skills.

What is the SSRS?

The SSRS is a multi-rater assessment tool that measures social skills in children and adolescents. The SSRS can be completed by teachers, parents, and peers. The SSRS measures the following aspects of social skills:

  • Cooperation
  • Assertion
  • Responsibility
  • Empathy
  • Self-control

How is the SSRS scored?

The SSRS is scored by summing the item scores for each domain. The total score for each domain can range from 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating better social skills.

What is the reliability and validity of the SSRS?

The SSRS has been shown to be a reliable and valid measure of social skills. The SSRS has good internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and discriminant validity.

How is the SSRS used?

The SSRS can be used for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Diagnosis: The SSRS can be used to help diagnose social skills problems.
  • Assessment: The SSRS can be used to assess the severity of social skills problems.
  • Treatment planning: The SSRS can be used to help develop a treatment plan for social skills problems.
  • Monitoring progress: The SSRS can be used to monitor progress in treatment for social skills problems.

What are the limitations of the SSRS?

The SSRS has a few limitations, including:

  • It is not a diagnostic tool. The SSRS should not be used to diagnose social skills problems.
  • It is not a comprehensive measure of social skills. The SSRS only measures a limited number of aspects of social skills.
  • It is not a sensitive measure of change. The SSRS may not be sensitive to small changes in social skills.


The SSRS is a useful tool for assessing social skills in children and adolescents. The SSRS has been shown to be a reliable and valid measure of social skills, and it has been used in a variety of research studies and clinical settings.


  • Gresham, F. M., & Elliott, S. N. (1990). Social skills rating system manual. Circle Pines, MN: American Guidance Service.

Social skills rating system (SSRS)

SSRS-C items

This paper lists a lot of things that students your age may do. Please read each sentence and think about yourself. Decide how often you do the behavior described.
If you never do this behavior‚ circle the O.
If you sometimes do this behavior‚ circle the 1.
If you very often do this behavior‚ circle the 2.
Then‚ decide how important the behavior is to your relationships with others.
If it is not important to your relationships‚ circle the O.
If it is important to your relationships‚ circle the 1.
If it is critical to your relationships‚ circle the 2.
How Often? 0=Never‚ 1=Sometimes‚ 2=Very Often
How Important? 0= Not Important‚ 1=Important‚ 3=Critical
1.    I make friends easily
2.    I say nice things to others when they have done something well
3.    I ask adults for help when other children try to hit me or push me around
4.    I am confident on dates.
5.    I try to understand how my friends feel when they are angry‚ upset or sad
6.    I listen to adults when they are talking to me
7.    I ignore other children when they tease me or call me names
8.    I ask friends for help with my problems 
9.    I ask before using other people’s things
10.I disagree with adults without fighting or arguing
11.I avoid doing things with others that may get me in trouble with adults
12.I feel sorry for others when bad things happen to them
13.I do my homework on time
14.I keep my desk clean and neat 
15.I do nice things for my parents like helping with household chores without being asked
16.I am active in school activities such as sports or clubs.
17.I finish classroom work on time
18.I compromise with parents or teachers when we have disagreements.
19.I ignore classmates who are clowning around in class.
20.I ask someone I like for a date.
21.I listen to my friends when they talk about the problems they are ha‎ving.
22.I end fights with my parents calmly.
23.I give compliments to members of the opposite sex.
24.I tell other people when they have done something well.
25.I smile wave‚ or nod at others.
26.I start conversations with opposite-sex friends without feeling uneasy or nervous.
27.I accept punishment from adults without getting mad.
28.I let friends know I like them by telling or showing them
29.I stand up for my friends when they have been unfairly criticized.
30.I invite others to join in social activities.
31.I use my free time in a good way.
32.I control my temper when people are angry with me.
33.I get the attention of members of the opposite sex without feeling embarrassed.
34.I take criticism from my parents without getting angry.
35.I follow the teacher’s directions.
36.I use a nice tone of voice in classroom discussions
37.I ask friends to do favors for me.
38.I start talks with class members.
39.I talk things over with classmates when there is a problem or argument.
SSRS-T items
How Often? 0=Never‚ 1=Sometimes‚ 2=Very Often
How Important? 0= Not Important‚ 1=Important‚ 3=Critical
1. Produces correct schoolwork.
2. Keeps his or her work area clean without being reminded.
3. Responds appropriately to physical aggression from peers.
4. Initiates conversations with peers.
5. Volunteers to help peers on classroom tasks.
6. Politely refuses unreasonable requests from others.
7. Appropriately questions rules that may be unfair.
8. Responds appropriately to teasing by peers.
9. Accepts peers’ ideas for group activities.
10. Appropriately expresses feelings when wronged.
11. Receives criticism well.
12. Attends to your instructions.
13. Uses time appropriately while waiting for your help.
14. Introduces himself or herself to new people without being told to.
15. Compromises in conflict situations by changing own ideas to reach agreement.
16. Acknowledges compliments or praise from peers.
17. Easily makes transition from one classroom activity to another.
18. Controls temper in conflict situations with peers.
19. Finishes class assignments within time limits.
20. Listens to classmates when they present their work or ideas.
21. Appears confident in social interactions with opposite-sex peers.
22. Invites others to join in activities.
23. Controls temper in conflict situations with adults.
24. Ignores peer distractions when doing class work.
25. Stands up for peers when they have been unfairly criticized.
26. Puts work materilas or school property away.
27. Appropriately tells you when he or she thinks you have treated him or her unfairly.
28. Gives compliments to members of the opposite sex.
29. Complies with your directions.
30. Responds appropriately to peer pressure.
Problem Behaviors
31. Likes to be alone.
32. Fights with others.
33. Is easily embarrassed.
34 . Argues with others.
35. Threatens or bullies others.
36. Talks back to adults when corrected.
37. Has temper tantrums.
38. Appears lonely.
39. Gets angry easily.
40. Shows anxiety about being with a group of children.
41. Acts sad or depressed.

Academic Competence

The next nine items require your judgments of this student’s academic or learning behaviors as observed in your classroom.
Compare the student with other children who are in the same classroom.
Rate all items using a scale of 1 to 5. Circle the number that best represents your judgment. The number 1 indicates the lowest or least favorable performance‚ placing the student in the lowest 10% of the class. Number 5 indicates the highest or most favorable performance‚ placing the student in the highest 10% compared with other students in the classroom.
1=Lowest10%‚ 2=Next Lowest20%‚ 3=Middle40%‚ 4=Next Highest20%‚ 5=Highest ONLY10%
43. Compared with other children in my classroom‚ the overall academic performance of this child is:
44. In reading‚ how does this child compare with other students?
45. In mathematics‚ how does this child compare with other students?
46. In terms of grade-level expectations‚ this child’s skills in reading are:
47. In terms of grade-level expectations‚ this child’s skills in mathematics are:
48. This child’s overall motivation to succeed academically is:
49. This child’s parental encouragement to succeed academically is:
50. Compared with other children in my classroom this child’s Intellectual functioning is:
51. Compared with other children in my classroom this child’s overall classroom behavior is:

SSRS-P items

read each items 1-52 and think about your child’s present behavior. Decide how often your child does the behavior described.
If your child never does this behavior‚ circle the O.
If your child sometimes does this behavior‚ circle the 1.
If your child very often does this behavior‚ circle the 2.
For items 1-40‚ you should also rate how Important each of these behaviors is for your child’s development.
If it is not Important for your child’s development‚ circle the O.
If it is Important for your child’s development‚ circle the 1.
If it is critical for your child’s development‚ circle the 2.
How Often? 0=Never‚ 1=Sometimes‚ 2=Very Often
How Important? 0= Not Important‚ 1=Important‚ 3=Critical
1. Starts conversations rather than waiting for others to talk first.
2. Helps you with household tasks without being told.
3. Attempts household tasks before asking for your help.
4. Participates in organized activities such as sports or clubs.
5. Politely refuses unreasonable requests from others.
6. Introduces himself or herself to new people without being told.
7. Uses free time at home in an acceptable way.
8. Says nice things about himself or herself when appropriate.
9. Responds appropriately to teasing from friends or relatives of his or her own age.
10. Responds appropriately when hit or pushed by other children.
11. Volunteers to help family members with tasks.
12. Invites others to your home.
13. Avoids situations that are likely to result in trouble.
14. Makes friends easily.
15. Keeps room clean and neat without being reminded.
16. Completes household tasks within a reasonable time.
17. Shows concern for friends and relatives of his or her own age.
18. Controls temper in conflict situations with you.
19. Ends disagreements with you calmly.
20. Speaks in an appropriate tone of voice at home.
21. Acknowledges compliments or praise from friends.
22. Controls temper when arguing with other children.
23. Appropriately expresses feelings when wronged.
24. Follows rules when playing games with others.
25. Attends to your instructions.
26. Joins group activities without being told to.
27. Compromises in conflict situations by changing own ideas to reach agreement.
28. Puts away belongings or other household property.
29. Waits turn in games or other activities.
30. Uses time appropriately while waiting for your help with homework or some other task.
31. Receives criticism well.
32. Informs you before going out with friends.
33. Follows household rules.
34. Is self-confident in social situations such as parties or group outings.
35. Shows interest in a variety of things.
36. Reports accidents to appropriate persons.
37. Is liked by others.
38. Answers the phone appropriately.
39. Asks sales clerks for information or assistance.
40. Appears self-confident in social interactions with opposite-sex friends.

Problem Behaviors

How Often? 0=Never‚ 1=Sometimes‚ 2=Very Often
41 . Likes to be alone.
42. Fights with others.
43. Is easily embarrassed.
44. Argues with others.
45. Threatens or bullies others.
46. Talks back to adults when corrected.
47. Has temper tantrums.
48. Appears lonely.
49. Gets angry easily.
50. Shows anxiety about being with a group of children.
51. Acts sad or depressed.
 ‘‘Cooperation’’‚ ‘‘Assertion’’ and ‘‘Self-control”

Gresham‚ F. M.‚ & Elliot‚ S. N. (1990). Social skills rating system manual. Circle Pines‚ MN: American Guidance  Service.

Gresham‚ F. M.‚ Elliot‚ S. N.‚ & Black‚ F. (1987). Teacher-rated social skills of mainstreamed mildly retarded and no handicapped children. School Psychology Review‚ 17‚ 78–88.

Shahim S. Reliability of the social skills rating system in a group of Iranian children. Psychol Rep 2001; 89(3): 566-70.

Eslami. Ahmad Ali‚ Mostafavi Mazaheri. Firoozeh‚ Amidi. Maryam‚ Abbasi. Mohamad Hadi‚ Noroozi. Ensieh. (2014) Farsi Version of Social Skills Rating System-Secondary Student Form: Cultural Adaptation‚ Reliability and Construct Validity. Iranian Journal Psychiatry Behavioral Sciences‚8(2): 97–104.
