Prenatal Attachment Inventory

Prenatal Attachment Behaviors of Egyptian Pregnant Women
1. I feel love for the baby
2. I wonder what the baby looks like now
3. I buy/make things for the baby
4. I know the baby hears me
5. I plan the things I will do with my baby
6. I like to sit with my arms around my tummy
7. I enjoy feeling the baby move
8. I try to imagine what the baby is doing in there
9. I tell others what the baby does inside me
10. I imagine what part of the baby I am touching
11. I think that my baby already has a personality
12. I let other people put their hands on my tummy to feel the baby move
13. I dream about the baby
14. I stroke the baby through my tummy
15. I share secrets with the baby
16. I get very excited when I think about the baby
17. I imagine calling the baby by name
18. I know why the baby is moving
19. I can make my baby move
Prenatal Attachment Inventory (PAI): Emotional attachment to the fetus was examined using the 21-item Prenatal Attachment Inventory PAI; Muller [20]; this scale is designed to assess “the unique‚ affectionate bond that develops between a woman and her fetus” [20]. Responses to the PAI are made on a four-point likert scale and scores may range from 21 to 84 with higher scores indicating increased attachment quality/intensity.
This instrument can be found on page 466 of Prenatal Attachment and Fetal Health Locus of Control among Low Risk and High Risk Pregnant Women. Compiled by Abeer Eswi and Amal Khalil online at:

Abeer Eswi and Amal Khalil. Prenatal Attachment and Fetal Health Locus of Control among Low Risk and High Risk Pregnant Women. World Applied Sciences Journal 18 (4): 462-471‚ 2012
