Delinquent Behavior—High Risk Behavioral Assessment

Delinquent behaviorhigh risk behavioral assessment is a process used to identify and assess individuals who are at risk of engaging in delinquent behavior. This assessment is typically conducted by a mental health professional, such as a psychologist or social worker, and includes a comprehensive evaluation of the individuals social, psychological, and environmental factors that may be contributing to their risk of delinquency. The assessment typically includes interviews with the individual, their family, and/or other individuals who may have knowledge of the individuals behavior. It also includes a review of the individuals past behavior and any relevant records, such as school records or police reports. The assessment also looks at the individuals current behavior and any potential risk factors that may be contributing to their risk of delinquency. The assessment is used to identify the individuals needs, develop an appropriate intervention plan, and monitor the individuals progress. The goal of the assessment is to reduce the individuals risk of engaging in delinquent behavior and to help them develop positive coping skills and behaviors.
1. A. Have you witnessed any stealing? ■ Yes ■ No
B. What kinds of things have you seen get stolen?
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C. How often? ■ Rarely (1-3/year)■ Occasionally (1-2/month) ■ Regularly(daily or 1-2/week)
D. Why do you think people steal?
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2. A. Have you had things stolen from you? ■ Yes ■ No
B. What kinds of things have been stolen from you?
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C. How often? ■ Rarely (1-3/year)■ Occasionally (1-2/month) ■ Regularly(daily or 1-2/week)
D. Why were these things stolen?
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3. A. Have you ever stolen from anybody else? ■ Yes ■ No
C. How often? ■ Rarely (1-3/year)■ Occasionally (1-2/month) ■ Regularly(daily or 1-2/week)
C. Why did you steal?
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4. A. Have you witnessed others damage property? ■ Yes ■ No
B. What was damaged?
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C. How often? ■ Rarely (1-3/year)■ Occasionally (1-2/month) ■ Regularly(daily or 1-2/week)
5. A. What kinds of activities make you feel happy?
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B. How often do you do these activities? ■ Rarely (1-3/year)■ Occasionally (1-2/month) ■ Regularly(daily or 1-2/week)
This instrument can be found on pages 219-220 of Measuring Violence-Related Attitudes‚ Behaviors‚ and Influences Among Youths: A Compendium of Assessment Tools‚ available online at:
The number of “A” items to which the respondent answered “yes” are summed. Then for those respondents who scored at least 1‚ the frequency is calculated by averaging the answers for the “B” items (How often?).
Point values are assigned as follows:
Rarely = 1
Occasionally = 2
Regularly = 3
A high score indicates a high level of risky school behavior

Dolan S. Doctoral Dissertation. Chicago‚ IL: University of Chicago‚ Department of Psychology‚1989.

Church B. Mentoring and Rites of Passage Youth Violence Prevention Program-Robert Taylor Homes‚ Chicago‚ IL: Northeastern Illinois University‚ 1994.
